Conservatives ought to rethink their use of the phrase “Crony Capitalism” because it plays into the hand of the left. Fundamentally, it’s an oxymoron and while that speech form is OK in a certain context, it shouldn’t be used to hurt one’s very own goals. “Cronyism”, in the political context, is the opposite of “laissez-faire” and Capitalism is by definition “laissez-faire Capitalism”.
When someone mentions “Crony Capitalism” in the presence of a Conservative, the reaction should be, “there’s no such thing.” If a person or business is truly practicing Capitalism, cronyism is anathema. When Capitalists resort to cronyism they’ve abandoned their core Capitalistic principles (and morals) and have become pull-peddlers. Such behavior is the M.O. of Keynesians and Socialists, who rely on government intervention as their dominant theory and practice.
Capitalism is pure, cronyism is corrupt. “Crony Capitalism” is a commingling of corruption with purity, which is the M.O. of the left.
Click this link to contact ANY Representative to encourage him or her to Co-Sponsor Congressman Rohrabacher’s bill, which promotes the superiority of CAPITALISM, not CRONYISM, as an economic model.
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