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Michael A. Malgeri

Congressional Resolution an Answer to "Occupy"

If the phrase “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were captured in a single word, that word would be Capitalism. Capitalism’s achievements so overwhelm its antithesis, Socialism, in both theory and practice, it’s unfathomable that Socialism exists as anything more than one of history’s regrettable flirtations. Yet today the fundamentally Socialist Occupy movement not only exists but maintains widespread support. Why?

Before responding, one should state the foundation on which a counter movement should be grounded. That foundation is best represented by House Resolution H.RES.422 titled, “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the superiority of Capitalism as an economic model.”

The full text of the bill can be read at this link.

This resolution, submitted on October 5th of 2011 by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (CA-46), lists in no uncertain terms what the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights achieved through Capitalism, and what must be done to preserve and perpetually build upon those achievements.

If this resolution makes it to the House floor and passes, it would be an official Congressional endorsement of Capitalism. It would be a powerful rebuttal to the “Occupy” movement, while not explicitly submitted for this purpose. It would lay the groundwork for debates, which thus far have largely been limited to schoolyard barbs between left and right.

This is a debate in which the left doesn’t want to engage. The mere thought of the right rallying with guilt-free pride around a CLEAR proclamation of the superiority of Capitalism is horrifying to those whose only only weapons are, class warfare, the unearned guilt of the right and gross fallacies of Capitalism.

Some will likely want to bury the existence of this resolution. Others would be wise to trumpet it.

Click this link to contact ANY Representative to encourage him or her to Co-Sponsor the bill.

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