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Michael A. Malgeri

Will Congress Hit a Home Run for Our Country in 2012?

In March of 2009 the Dow Jones Average hit a low for the recent recession, having lost 53% of its value from its all time high 15 months earlier. In April 2009, a month following the stock market low, a bill was introduced “Honoring and saluting Hillerich & Bradsby Co. on the 125th anniversary of the Louisville Slugger” and which 102 Congressional Representatives Co-Sponsored. This is perfectly fine since most people love baseball and our national pastime has always been a haven during difficult times.

Fast forward to September 17th of 2011 when the Occupy movement kicked off its national Socialism tour. Ironically, if not sadly, it was Constitution day. The media jumped on the story, giving the Occupiers a semblance of validity they could not achieve by the goals they could not express in any cohesive form worthy of a “movement”.

About two weeks later, on October 5th, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (CA 46) had the vision and courage to Sponsor Congressional Resolution H.RES.422 titled, “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the superiority of capitalism as an economic model“. Please click this link to read the full text of the bill.

In difficult times, Capitalism has always been this nation’s savior. It will be interesting to see how many Representatives step up to the plate to Co-Sponsor the bill and hit a home run for our country in 2012.

Click this link to contact ANY Representative to encourage him or her to Co-Sponsor the bill.

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