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Michael A. Malgeri

Conservatives Honor Thatcher, After Aiding and Abetting Obama

While we honor Margaret Thatcher and remember Ronald Reagan, Conservatives must acknowledge that the legacies of these great individuals have been squandered. Conservatives GAVE the election to Obama allowing him to “fundamentally transform America” towards Socialism by neglecting the political education of their children.

Conservatives have more children than Liberals but Romney received only 36% of the youth vote while Obama captured 60%. If Conservatives were translating the core principles they teach their kids into proper political action, Romney and Obama should have, at the very least, split the youth vote. This would have given Romney a 2.4 million vote WIN just by capturing 50% of this one demographic! Imagine how much he would have won if core Conservative and Capitalist principles were effectively communicated to Americans at large.

Conservatives do a wonderful job of instilling a culture of high moral values and a solid work ethic in their children. These values and ethics include honesty, integrity, respect for race, religion, age, gender and above all freedom for all. Where Conservatives have failed MISERABLY, is translating these values and ethics into proper political thinking and action by their children!

It’s astounding, flabbergasting, depressing and OUTRAGEOUS when one thinks about what the analysis above represents. It tells a story NOT of Obama’s prowess as a thinker or leader, but of a hard working well meaning group of dedicated achievers, a.k.a. Conservatives, who dropped the ball!

Conservatives are a group, who by their negligence, are turning over the greatest nation history has ever witnessed to an incompetent wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s a sad, sorry, horrific tale, where the bad guys are using the children of the good guys to bring down all that is good.

WAKE UP CONSERVATIVES! The 2014 election is right around the corner with 2016 soon to follow. Talk to your kids. Save them! Honor the greatness of Thatcher and Reagan and save the country AGAIN through their vision and courage.

Michael Malgeri is the creator of the “Johnny Profit” series of children’s books, which teaches young people about capitalism. He authored H.R.422, a Congressional Resolution that creates awareness of the superiority of Capitalism as an economic model. His website is

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