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Saving the U.S. by Fighting for Capitalism

Michael A. Malgeri

When things turn out EXACTLY as you feared, saying “I told you so,” is a worthless consolation.

Case in point, on September 17th of 2011, the Socialist enriched “Occupy” movement was launched. Ironically, it was also “Constitution Day,” a fact I’m convinced was lost on the “Occupiers” and sadly, on many Americans. President Obama, while not overtly supporting the movement, did so indirectly and aggressively in the context of his 2012 re-election campaign. Both the Occupiers and President Obama, while ideologically corrupt, were righteously committed.

On October 5th of 2011, Congressman Rohrabacher had the courage to submit Congressional Resolution H.RES.422, “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the superiority of Capitalism as an economic model.” As the author of the original draft, my intent for the bill was to unite Republicans, Conservatives and freedom loving individuals around a set of principles that would offer Americans a clear and distinct alternative to Barack Obama at the polls in November of 2012. If the election of 2010 proved anything, it demonstrated that Americans want clarity and vote for justice. The Tea Party offered both and Americans voted for Tea Party ideals with passion.

Here is a link to the 2-page bill for your convenience.

Sadly, NOT A SINGLE free enterprise loving Republican or Democrat stood up to Co-Sponsor the bill and it was never brought to the House Floor for a vote. The result is what you see today; a party that is divided, spineless and lost. They are a party LITERALLY without a backbone; a backbone that a vote on the “Capitalism Awareness” resolution could have provided. Had Republicans rallied around Capitalism and made the distinction clear, the Obama Presidency would be a regrettable memory and the country would be thriving again. Instead, Republicans tragically and consistently cave to a President sitting on five years of a disastrous economic and foreign policy record.

There is still time to turn things around before the 2014 and 2016 elections. There is still time to convince the American people that it’s Capitalism, not Socialism that increases wealth, personal dignity, independence, education, health and above all, freedom! It all begins with a vote on the “Capitalism Awareness” Resolution.

Michael Malgeri is the creator of the “Johnny Profit” series of children’s books, which teaches young people about capitalism. He authored H.R.422, a Congressional Resolution that creates awareness of the superiority of Capitalism as an economic model. His website is

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